Business Analysis Theory and Practice

The following is a list of available Business Analysis Theory and Practice classes at ISInc. If you do not see the course you are interested in, please contact us. We can setup dedicated, online and onsite classes too! Minimum students required: 4, Maximum students: 15

Please contact an ISInc representative to get the latest outline for this class.

Course Number: ISI-1231

PDUs 24 credits; CDUs 24 credits


This is a five day instructor-led course. From enterprise analysis and scope definition to requirements determination and conceptual design, this workshop gives analysts a thorough understanding of the entire Systems Development Life Cycle. Replete with both hard and soft skills, this course builds a sound strategy for analyzing business processes and demonstrates how to apply concepts and practical techniques within the context of an experiential learning environment. Students emerge from this workshop with a solid foundation of business analysis thinking as well as a greater understanding that doing the right things is just as important as doing things right.
This workshop is compliant with the standards for business analysis and requirements definition, the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge, Version 1.6 (hereafter referred to as the BABOK), which has been prepared by the International Association of Business Analysis (IIBA).



List Price
