Applied Data Science with Python

The following is a list of available Applied Data Science with Python classes at ISInc. If you do not see the course you are interested in, please contact us. We can setup dedicated, online and onsite classes too! Minimum students required: 4, Maximum students: 15

The selected course is not currently active. Please contact an ISInc representative if you are interested in more information about this course.

Course Number: ISI-1513


This intensive training course provides theoretical and practical aspects of using Python in the realm of Data Science, Business Analytics, and Data Logistics. The coverage of the related core concepts, terminology, and theory is provided as well. This training course is supplemented by a variety of hands-on labs (the list of which is provided at the bottom of this outline) that help attendees reinforce their theoretical knowledge of the learned material.


Participants should have a working knowledge of Python (or have the programming background and/or the ability to quickly pick up Python?s syntax), and be familiar with core statistical concepts (variance, correlation, etc.)

List Price
