Microsoft PowerPoint Level 2

The following is a list of available Microsoft PowerPoint Level 2 classes at ISInc. If you do not see the course you are interested in, please contact us. We can setup dedicated, online and onsite classes too! Minimum students required: 4, Maximum students: 15

Course Number: PPT-02


Meetings, instruction, training, pitches; these are all a part of our daily lives. We are often called upon to deliver presentations with little notice, at multiple venues, and with varying requirements. And, some of these presentations include sensitive information that needs to be guarded. Given all the variables, it may seem an overwhelming task to deliver your tent, on time, to all audiences, and to only those who need to see it. Oh, and by the way, you need to make it interesting, informative, and memorable. How do you do it? Without the help of a robust set of tools, it would be nearly impossible. But Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2019 provides you with a variety of such tools that can help you deliver content in nearly any situation, while saving time and effort. By taking advantage of these tools, you will be creating presentations that not only stand out from the crowd, but also don't consume all of your available time.

During this one-day, instructor-led course, students will learn advanced features of Microsoft PowerPoint. Specifically, students will learn how to customize PowerPoint presentations and the PowerPoint environment.

Features and functions in Office 365 and Office 2019 / 2016 are nearly identical. For this reason, users for all three versions (365, 2019 and 2016) attend the same class. The instructor will explain the few visual differences in the versions to you; just let the instructor know what version you are using.


Students should be familiar enough with Microsoft PowerPoint to be able to create and edit basic PowerPoint presentations.

Completion of the following courses or equivalent knowledge and skills is recommended:
-Microsoft PowerPoint Level 1

List Price


Upcoming Classes

Available classes for Microsoft PowerPoint Level 2
Start Date End Date Class Status Days Location Start Time
04/15/2025 04/15/2025 Seats Available one day class Live Online 9:00am Enroll
05/14/2025 05/14/2025 Seats Available one day class Live Online 9:00am Enroll
06/10/2025 06/10/2025 Seats Available one day class Live Online 9:00am Enroll
All class times are Pacific Time Zone.