Microsoft Word Level 1

The following is a list of available Microsoft Word Level 1 classes at ISInc. If you do not see the course you are interested in, please contact us. We can setup dedicated, online and onsite classes too! Minimum students required: 4, Maximum students: 15

Course Number: WRD-01

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These days, most people take electronic word processing for granted. While we still write out our grocery lists with pen and paper, we expect to use a computer to create the majority of our documents. It's impossible to avoid word processing software in many areas of the business world. Managers, lawyers, clerks, reporters and editors rely on this software to do their jobs. Whether you are an executive, secretary or a website designer, you'' need to know the ins and outs of electronics word processing.

Microsoft Word is designed to help you move smoothly through the task of creating professional looking documents. Its rich features and powerful tools can make your work easy, and even fun. In this one-day, instructor-led course, you'll learn how to use Word to create and edit simple documents, format documents, add tables and lists, add design elements and layout options, and proof documents.

Students will learn about the features and powerful tools which can make your work easy. You'll learn how to use Word to create, edit and proof basic Microsoft Word documents. The course covers text formatting and page layouts and design. You'll learn about watermarks, as well as printing options. Learn how to insert clip art, text and use various Word options, such as AutoText and Autocorrect features.

Features and functions in Office 365 and Office 2019 / 2016 are nearly identical. For this reason, users for all three versions (365, 2019 and 2016) attend the same class. The instructor will explain the few visual differences in the versions to you; just let the instructor know what version you are using.


Students should be familiar with using personal computers and have used a mouse and keyboard. You should be comfortable in the Windows environment and be able to use Windows to manage information on your computer. Specifically, you should be able to launch and close programs; navigate to information stored on the computer; and manage files and folders.

List Price


Upcoming Classes

Available classes for Microsoft Word Level 1
Start Date End Date Class Status Days Location Start Time
04/14/2025 04/14/2025 Seats Available one day class Live Online 9:00am Enroll
05/06/2025 05/06/2025 Seats Available one day class Live Online 9:00am Enroll
06/02/2025 06/02/2025 Seats Available one day class Live Online 9:00am Enroll
07/21/2025 07/21/2025 Seats Available one day class Live Online 9:00am Enroll
08/11/2025 08/11/2025 Seats Available one day class Live Online 9:00am Enroll
09/09/2025 09/09/2025 Seats Available one day class Live Online 9:00am Enroll
10/06/2025 10/06/2025 Seats Available one day class Live Online 9:00am Enroll
11/03/2025 11/03/2025 Seats Available one day class Live Online 9:00am Enroll
12/09/2025 12/09/2025 Seats Available one day class Live Online 9:00am Enroll
All class times are Pacific Time Zone.